Bless Up & Stay Lifted

    I would describe Northern Nights as an eventful yet absolutely transformative experience. The festival itself was great. Im blessed to have had an opportunity to be apart of it. But the reason I feel so fulfilled, is because I feel rich in experience.  The interactions, connections and growths I experienced were many, and they were powerful. Similar to my trip to Oakland, not all of it was rainbows and butterflies, but man did I enjoy the hell out of my birthday.
    Being in such a new place, experiencing a different type of culture put me in the roll of the observer (and if you don't know, Norther California/ Humboldt IS it's own culture).  I don't normally introvert as much as I did that weekend, but it was probably really healthy for me.
     So let e share with you what I took away from my experiences and observations.

1) I learned how to be more authentic and stand tall in that. I am learning how to enjoy who I am and what I do, with out seeking outside affirmation. I feel like I finally found myself. And that's huge for me.

2) When I turned 25 my intention was to step into my role as a healer, but I wasn't sure really what my strengths were and how to use them for good.  Now at 26 a good friend of mine helped me unlock deeper parts of my brain. Helping me tap into my powers more consciously, activating my full potential.  It's hard for me to explain what that really means, but a lot of my thoughts are on  subjects such as; how did we get so lost?  How do we backtrack to a place of understanding what sacredness really means? Also how do we  innovate new ways to activate light?AAnd what really got me thinking was,  I know that what I do in my day to day life is important, but what is my long term game plan, and how do I use that to share my light.

3) I really learned the the essence of the phrase "less is more". I was a little disappointed in myself as far as sustainability goes. I own a  6 person tent. While I was at Northern Nights I was in a way larger tent, brought more than I needed and didn't use half of it, and created more waste than I normally do.  Now that I'm staying in Humboldt for a week, I sent some stuff back to Santa  Barbara. and I'm living in a smaller tent with just what I need, I feel more peaceful about it. I know that the minimalist lifestyle isn't for everybody but for me, if I can do something better, I will always try to do so. This is my way of being more sustainable and giving back to mother earth.

   I want to close this session by acknowledging what an honor it was to work in the 215 section, helping people find the medicine they need and serving dabs all weekend. Working in the 215 section was definitely one of the highlights of  my weekend. I also want to acknowledge the growth I experienced this weekend and how transformative it feels in my life. As someone who has felt lost and discontent with life. Its nice to receive affirmations that my choice to become nomadic with be transformative and that im heading on the right path. Being able to stand tall in myself, being able to unlock more of my potential, being able to be happy with less. Feels like a really solid foundation for me to become the woman I seek to be. To become the Lover, Nurturer, Wisdom Keeper and Healer that I am capable of becoming. I feel truely blessed.
   From getting to be a part of an epic body art project, to dancing my face off to some of my favorite artists, to drinking beer and floating down the Eel river with magical people. Norther Nights was an incredible experience and by far the best birthday I have ever had.
    I know this was a long one. but thanks for reading. If you wanna know more about what my blogs are all about check out my missions statement. I have five festivals in a row coming up. So lots of juicy content coming out soon. please stay tuned. Bless up and Stay lifted.

Check out my mission statement and other blogs.


  1. So happy to have spent this weekend with you 💜 Hoping for many more weekends like this!


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