Sustainable Me

So part of my intention with this blog is to become as sustainable as I can and explain my process along the way.  Now that TentLife is fully operational, I look forward to to day I get to share my art with you as well and some of the amazing projects I get to work on. But for now I want to talk about what I'm doing that makes this all possible.

Living Off Grid

I have a portable stove, A Solar Shower, and a series of compost buckets to manage my waste on the go. So as long as I have a place to pitch my tent, I'm able to make home anywhere. One thing I would love to try to explore in the future (maybe you will see a future blog about this) is a portable garden. For now, I use my food stamps to buy the produce, herbs and spices I need from any local Farmers Market.

Using Biodegradable Products (IE: toothpaste, deodorant, body and dish soap, hair products)

As someone who lives outside. Where my water run-off lands is important. Often I clean my dishes or brush my teeth or wash my body near bushes, sewers, or places where my run-off ends up near plant life or where recycled water is being used. So for me, it definitely matters what products my run off contains.


Reusable Objects (IE: towels, plates/bowls, eating utensils, the Diva Cup)  

Not only does this reduce the amount of waste that I create, But this also allows me to divorce the habit of single usage plastic (which also reduces the amount of waste I accumulate). Things like reusable bags, or these Reusable Coffee To-Go Cups  are super handy. And you can use them in more places than you think. Say I'm eating out at somewhere like Pickles and Swiss in Santa Barbara, and I decide to take my soft drink on the go. Not only am I minimizing the usage or cardboard cups, but also no lid and no straw which circles back to eliminating single use plastic from my regular routine. If your at a bar, try ordering your drink with out a straw.

Fair Trade and Recycle:

In the process of purging all of my belongings, I worked really hard (with the help of some friends) to utilize Craigslist,Yard Sales, Thrift stores, and Charities to bring my belongings to. To balance that, I also try not to buy more than what I need. And I try to have all my clothing be fair trade, or recycled. I'm not perfect at this part. It's difficult sometimes because as a fire spinner, I am constantly looking for new outfits to dance in. One way that I balance that out is by buying a lot of my outfits from festival vendors where the outfits are made by the artist featured at the events I'm at. If I am unable to buy fair trade or recycled. I would at least like to support local economies. This subject is definitely a little tricky and I know that this route isn't for everybody. I would love to talk more about it (for any of you who wanna message me personally and have further conversations on the subject. I very much welcome it). But I also have to remind myself that my truth is my truth, and I'm not always gunna get things right, but I'm a good person. And the main point is that I try. And I'm doing what I can to be the best me I can be. 

One way that I am able to continue to be more free to travel is by keeping tabs on what I use, What I don't use. "Better Next Times" and how much waste I am creating. Not only does this allow me to be more green but this makes the weight of my luggage lighter as well. I am no master at this nomadic lifestyle, but as I keep track of how I'm doing and how mindful I am, the more I am finding balance between traveler life style and sustainable life. Not all of the sustainable things I would like to do are as practical due to the small amount of time I spend in one place. And some of the ways I would like to become more travel friendly are not as pragmatic due to nature of my travels. But as I continue to grow I will share the lessons I learn with all of you. 

I also encourage Feed Back. Not only am I happy to chat with any of you about fair trade, waste management or any of those subjects. I too have questions. Currently I am looking to commit to solar energy, and I would love to hear advice on trusted brands for camping equipment that use solar energy or can charge my electrics. If you wish to chat with me, Please leave your email in the comment box below, and I will reach out to as soon as I am able to. 

I hope you were able to take something away from this blog or find something that relates to your every day life. Again I am no expert. There are plenty of people out there doing this way longer than I have, who probably have a lot of other solid advice. Right now  I feel that Tent Life is more Economically sustainable than it is Environmentally. Or at least I feel that there is more I can do, and more I can learn.  Ask questions do your research. My goal here is for me to transform my behaviors and my imprint. I feel that if I know that I am doing what I can to create a better world Around me, I can now focus on whats going on With In me and work on my consciousnesses. This is the purpose of my travels. And my Blog. I will grow and evolve more as time passes. And I'm excited to share my experiences with those of you who read my posts. Thank you for your support. I hold a lot of gratitude for each and every one of you you.

Much Love


Stay tuned for some fun Video Blog for an inside look at TentLife at one of my upcoming festivals. 

Check out my Instagram at to see videos of fire spinning. And some of the fun things I get to experience in the festival world.

Also check out my Mission Statement :  
