My Journey So Far

It's crazy to think back on where I was two years ago when I started this journey. I try to put myself back into that mind set of “I have no idea what I'm doing, or even why I'm really doing this”. To now feeling empowered enough to know that I have everything that I need.  And If for any reason I don't have something, then I can either obtain it or learn to survive off less.
  98% of the products I use are biodegradable, my diet and health regimen is curated to fit my life style.  I am not surviving, I'm thriving. I am now stable enough to start working on my own creative projects instead of just getting paid to help create other people’s visions. I am achieving more and more of my dreams and aspiration. I guess after years and years of struggle, I have learned enough that I don't have to fight as hard  to get by. And that's not to say that life is always simple. It's definitely hard sometimes, and I work damn hard. But I honor myself, my truth, and I love myself. I am curating the life I want for myself. I am constantly learning, growing and serving others  when ever I can. And life is showing me kindness as well.
    My TentLife journey began when I got sick of being on somebody else's agenda, of building someone else dream. I was sick of trying to fit myself in the metaphorical box of “you must maintain this status and have these things in order to have your life together”. I didn't know what I wanted or what I was doing when I started. All I knew is that fitting into that “box” wasn't serving my truth. I now own my own business, which is to say, I get to create something that I am proud of. I am chasing my dreams. And yes I live out of a tent, I still struggle financially sometimes, but I'm not a slave to money. I travel, I learn, I am building my craft and my skills, I get to help others, and I am constantly surrounded by knowledge and art. I am so fulfilled that my cup is overflowing. And I guess I wanted to share this with you because it's important not only to give gratitude, but to acknowledge your achievements and where you came from. For me that allows me to move forward from a place of love, humility and good intention. Thank you so much for tuning in. I know this was a short read, but thanks for listening.
